Advertising Banners

Banners for the internet are a new paradigm in advertising for most companies. Unlike "normal" advertising in magazines, newspapers and other conventional forms of media they must do their job in a minimum of space with a small digital footprint. Often they are competing with other advertisers in the same business on the same page. Add to that the basic competition with the content of the page and these little advertising gems have a big job to do.

What makes a good banner? That is a very subjective question and the obvious answer is ONE THAT WORKS!  Well, then what components of a banner do we know work? Below is a short list of some banner features that have been statistically proven to have success:

  • More information beats less information. Make your banner as informative as possible.

  • GUI interfaces (the banners that look like a message window from your computer system) consistently outperform banners with similar information but not in a GUI format.

  • Attractive banners beat banners that look like they were made by an amateur. I'm sure nobody is shocked by that.

  • Animation, when done properly, can enhance the click through rate significantly.

  • Banners with an invitation to "Click Here" are almost always more effective that those with the same design without the "Click Here" content.

These are just a few main issues surrounding banner design. Where you place your banners is critical and please don't forget that your ultimate success in converting click throughs to sales is the quality of your web site and the product or services you offer. We will happily quote you for banners and updating that web site of yours as well.

The office numbers are 225-2345 or 225-4078. If I am out the cellular is 389-6197. E-mail

468 X 60 Banners
























125 X 125 Banners




120 X 60 Banners



100 X 100 Banners


100 X 60 Banners


Web sites that work....